News Related to Pets
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
International Pet Travel – Taking Your Pets on Holiday

Booking to go on holiday is an exciting time for you and the whole family. The furry members of your family needn’t be left out. With the increase of pet-friendly destinations, hotels and restaurants, you’ll be spoilt for choice for your next holiday.

Can I Take My Pet on Holiday?

Yes! Taking your pets on holiday is a great way to give them a change of pace and get them to spend time with you, which they’re bound to enjoy.

But before you decide to book your pet-friendly holiday, there are a few important points to consider.

Catering for Your Pet on Holiday

While your pet might deserve a holiday as much as you, they may not see it in quite the same way. Animals love routine. If their routine is broken and you’re not around to reassure them, then this could cause them a lot of stress and anxiety – the opposite of what they need on a holiday. This is particularly true for dogs.

To prevent any unwanted stress, you should always ensure that your accommodation has everything you need to keep your pet comfortable throughout the stay.

  • Your accommodation needs to have a comfortable and safe space for your pet to hang out.
  • If you’re travelling with a dog, it’s a good idea to seek out dog-friendly activities, restaurants or cafes to make sure your dog can come with you while you’re on holiday. You don’t want to leave them alone in a strange place.
  • Check the weather for your destination. Hot climates aren’t always the best fit for your dog, especially if they have long hair or thick coats.
  • Call up your accommodation ahead of time to help you understand what facilities they offer and what you’ll need to carry with you.
  • Make sure you take a familiar toy or blanket on holiday with you to keep your dog feeling safe on the journey.

Keeping your Routine

To minimise the changes while on holiday, you should try to keep as much of your routine as possible. This will also help with the transition when you return home.

  • Try to keep the same walk and exercise routine.
  • Take the same food and don’t change their diet too much, even if they deserve a treat.
  • When you arrive, give your dog time to acclimatise and get used to their new surroundings.

What are Animal Health Certificates (AHC)?

Your pet will need to travel using an Animal Health Certificate (AHC).

These certificates are documents signed by your vet to show that your pet has had all of the right vaccinations and that they have had a recent health check, where no health issues were discovered. The AHC will also list your vet’s information and show any medication that your pet has previously taken or requires whilst on holiday in case of emergency.

In most cases, your vet will need to sign this certificate no more than 10 days prior to travel. This shows that your pet was in good health at the time of travel. When you book your holiday, you will need to ensure that you book in this appointment as close to the date of travel as possible.

What Vaccinations Does My Pet Require to Travel?

The vaccinations required for travel vary based on your destination. However, almost all countries require your pet to have an up to date rabies vaccination.

This must have been administered at least 30 days prior to the travel to develop the correct antibodies.

If your pet has already had a valid rabies vaccination, but it was a few months prior to travel, you may be required to conduct a Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre Test for certain destinations. This is a blood test which displays adequate rabies antibodies.

Microchipping My Pet

No matter where you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to have your pet microchipped. This helps keep track of their vaccinations – which can be linked to the chip number. It also gives you peace of mind, as your pet can be linked back to you if they go missing.

Always make sure your details are up to date on the microchip record.

Tapeworm Treatment

If you intend to visit Ireland, Northern Ireland, Finland, Malta or Norway on holiday with your pet, you will need to have them treated for tapeworm at least 24 hours before you go.

Pet Relocation Specialists

Worrying about taking your pet on holiday? Ferndale pet relocation company can help you to prepare your documents, understand the best destination and make your pet feel at ease with the change.

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