Moving to Hong Kong with Pets

Moving to Hong Kong with Dog or Cat


Importing dogs and cats into Hong Kong is something Ferndale do on a daily or weekly basis for the last 20 years and so we can advise you on this process.

Additional information can be found on the Hong Kong Government website.


Will my pet go into quarantine on arrival?

Dogs and cats imported from Group III countries (such as Russia, Malaysia, China, anywhere not listed in Group 1 or 2 Categories)  have to do a 4-month quarantine period at the AFCD Animal Management Centre, payable by the owner. There is limited availability so we recommend you to book your pets place at the quarantine facility at least 4 months in advance. If you are coming from a group 1 or 2 country the requirements are easier.

Do I need a permit to import my pets?

Yes, and in addition this need to be applied for in advance. It takes the Government 5 working days from the date of receipt of application and permit fee to the date of issue. The permit is valid for 6 months and will cover the import of one cat or dog. Don’t try to import a pet without it.


What Microchips are used in Hong Kong?

In Hong Kong the Government use the AVID 9 digit chip for mandatory Dog Licensing records. If your dog doesn’t have this chip the AFCD Government staff will mandatory implant it for all dogs over 5 months arriving at the airport. Cats don’t require a chip for staying in Hong Kong although need one (AVID or ISO type) for Health Certificate documents and therefore to enter Hong Kong.

What other documents do I need to bring a pet to Hong Kong?

Please check with our staff (or your veterinarian or pet shipper) for the latest advice. Apart from the import permit, you need the Airline Certificate  (Captain’s Affidavit), as well as the updated Vaccinations Passport or Certificate, and the Health Certificate endorsed by a government vet of the Overseas Country prior to travel.

For comprehensive details on Import Permit requirements please contact our team.


Can pets enter Hong Kong in the cabin or as ‘Excess Baggage?’

All pets arriving in HK need to come as Manifest Cargo at the Cargo terminals.


Can I import a puppy from overseas?

If you want to import a young dog from outside Hong Kong, to arrive under 5 months of age they need to come from a Group 1 country like Australia or UK.


What is a group 2 country?

Austria Bahamas, Bahrain, Belgium, Bermuda, Brunei, Canada, Cayman Island, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Guam, Iceland   , Italy, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Norway, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Portugal,   Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,  The Netherlands,Taiwan, USA (Continental), Vanuatu, Virgin Islands.


What is a Group 1 country with regards to Hong Kong Government laws?

Australia, Fiji, Hawaii, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand and United Kingdom.


What Services can Ferndale do to help with regards to import the pets to Hong Kong and the import permits?

We can offer a Full or bespoke service up to you or your agent’s requirements:

Ferndale Kennels can obtain the import license, forward it to you as a pet owner or to an overseas agent, and inform the Agriculture & Fisheries Department of the date of arrival for your pets.

Ferndale can arrange to collect the pets from the Airline, clear government departments (AFCD, Customs etc)  from the cargo terminal and deliver to your residential premises.

We can provide boarding services if you will arrive a period of time after your pet, and any other services you may require in the interim.

We can help with pets importing into Hong Kong, please fill out the shipping form below.
Click Here For Shipping Enquiry